
Transition Support

Helping you get ready for college

Transition means a process of change, like changing from school to college. Most people feel a bit nervous about change and moving from school to college is a big change. But remember you’re not alone and there’s lots of support at Coleg Gwent.

We work with young people, their families, schools, Career Wales and any other people who support you, to understand your needs and how best to support you. To ensure you get the best support we’ll request evidence of your learning support needs and/or medical/physical needs.

Individual Development Plans

If you have an Individual Development Plan (IDP), we’ll attend your last review at school. It’s a good idea to ask your school ALN Co-ordinator to invite us. At your review, you can tell us what’s important to you (now and in the future) and we can start planning your transition.

We can plan transition activities to help you get-to-know the college so you know what to expect before you start, helping to make you feel safe and happy. We’ll make sure the staff who work with you know about your support needs to help you achieve positive outcomes.

Learners in classroom with ALN Pathfinder logo

Useful resources

These animations and videos help young people and their parents/carers prepare for college

And we’re here to answer any questions you or your parents/carers have about starting college so please get in touch.